How to Program the One For AllŪ Remote

Click here for device setup codes.

Table of Contents:

    Setting Up The Device Keys
  1. Programming Device Codes
  2. Searching For Device Codes
  3. Blinking Back the Code
  4. Redefining a Device Key
  5. Resetting A Device Key
  6. Setting Up and Using The Remote

  7. Volume Punch Through
  8. Restoring Volume Default
  9. Using the Sleep Key
  10. Programming Macros
  11. Timed Sequences
  12. Using the SHIFT key
  13. the Home Theater key
  14. Advanced Functions

  15. Copy One Key To Another
  16. Assigning Advanced Codes
  17. Clearing Out The Remote

  18. Clearing Out Any Button On The Remote
  19. Clearing Out A Device Key
  20. Deleting Macros
  21. Clearing Out All Assigned Keys
  22. Service Menu

  23. Unlock the Service Menu
  24. Restore Factory Defaults
  25. Device Lock/Unlock
  26. Scrambled Keypad
  27. General

  28. Operating Your RF/IR 'Command Center'
  29. Upgrading Your Remote
  30. Fixing Worn Out Buttons

  1. Programming Device Codes
  2. After getting the proper codes from your manual or Customer Service, use the following instructions to enter them into your remote.

    1. FIND the 4-digit setup code for your brand of device (TV, VCR, Cable, etc.)
    2. TAP the DEVICE key (TV, VCR, etc.) that you want to set up.
    3. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen on the remote reads 'TIMED SEQ' - release.
    4. TAP the DOWN ARROW button once, the screen will read 'CODE SETUP'.
    5. TAP the SELECT button once - the screen will read 'DEV SET UP'
    6. TAP the SELECT button once - the screen will have the device name on the left side. (Eg; 'TV')
    7. Some device buttons are used for more than one type of device, so you may need to use the UP and DOWN arrow buttons to adjust the device type now.
    8. ENTER the setup code and then TAP the SELECT button once.
    9. TAP the POWER button. If the device does not shut off, repeat the previous two steps with the next setup code.

      NOTE: For VCR, CD, and LD, it is best to have the device on, a tape or disc in, and test the device with the PLAY button.

    10. When you find a code that works your device - TAP the ESC (escape) button to exit. The screen will return to the device name and the time of day.

    NOTE: At any point you can press escape (ESC) to return to the main display.

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  3. Searching For Your Code
  4. This will allow you to search through all of the setup codes for a particular device (TV, VCR, Cable etc.) to try to find one that matches up with your particular equipment.

    NOTE: Only use this method if you have already tried all of the setup codes listed in your manual for the brand of device you have.

    1. TAP the DEVICE (TV, VCR, etc.) button you wish to find a code for.
    2. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ' - release
    3. TAP the DOWN ARROW button once. The screen will read 'CODE SETUP'.
    4. TAP the SELECT key once. The screen will read 'DEV SET UP'.
    5. TAP the DOWN ARROW button once. The screen will read 'DEV SEARCH'.
    6. TAP the SELECT button once - the screen will have the device name on the left side. (Eg; 'TV')
    7. TAP the POWER button.
    8. If the device does not shut off TAP the DOWN ARROW button once. The remote will move to the next code. Try POWER again (repeat until the device shuts off).

      NOTE: For VCR, CD, and LD, it is best to have the device on, a tape or disc in, and test the device with the PLAY button.

    9. TAP the SELECT button once when you get the device to turn off (locks in code).

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  5. Displaying the Device Code:
  6. Use this sequence to check which code is set to a DEVICE button.

    1. TAP the DEVICE key you want to find the code for.
    2. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ'.
    3. TAP the DOWN ARROW button once, the screen will read 'CODE SETUP'.
    4. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'DEV SET UP'.
    5. TAP the DOWN ARROW button twice, the screen will read 'DEV NUMBER'.
    6. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will have the DEVICE name (TV, VCR, etc.) on the left and the code on the right.

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  7. Redefining a Device Key
  8. This procedure allows you to change a DEVICE (TV, VCR, CABLE, etc.) button from one mode to another (For instance: AUX1 to VCR). This is useful if you have more than one of a certain device.

    1. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ'.
    2. TAP the DOWN ARROW button twice. The screen will read 'CONFIGURE'.
    3. TAP the SELECT button once. The screen will read 'THEATR SEL'.
    4. TAP the DOWN ARROW button three times. The screen will read 'MODE MAP'.
    5. TAP the SELECT button once. The screen will read 'SOURCE'.
    6. TAP the DEVICE (TV, VCR, CABLE, etc.) button you wish to move. The screen will read 'COPY TO'.
    7. TAP the DEVICE (TV, VCR, CABLE, etc.) button you wish to move it to. The screen will return to the main display with the original device and the time.

    NOTE: At any point you can press escape (ESC) to return to the main display.

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  9. Resetting a Device Key
  10. This procedure allows you to reset a device key back to it's original setting.

    1. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ'.
    2. TAP the DOWN ARROW button twice. The screen will read 'CONFIGURE'.
    3. TAP the SELECT button once. The screen will read 'THEATR SEL'.
    4. TAP the DOWN ARROW button three times. The screen will read 'MODE MAP'.
    5. TAP the SELECT button once. The screen will read 'SOURCE'.
    6. TAP the DEVICE (TV, VCR, CABLE, etc.) button you wish to reset. The screen will read 'COPY TO'.
    7. TAP the DEVICE (TV, VCR, CABLE, etc.) button you wish to reset again. The screen will return to the main display with the original device and the time.

    NOTE: At any point you can press escape (ESC) to return to the main display.

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  11. Volume Punch Through
  12. This feature will let one device control the volume ONLY in the TV, VCR, CABLE, and SAT mode.

    1. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ'.
    2. TAP the DOWN ARROW button twice, the screen will read 'CONFIGURE'.
    3. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'THEATR SEL'.
    4. TAP the DOWN ARROW button twice, the screen will read 'VOL LOCK'.
    5. TAP the SELECT button once, the screen will change to 'UNLOCK'.
    6. TAP the DOWN ARROW button once to change to 'LOCK'.
    7. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will show the last device you used.
    8. TAP the DEVICE button where you want to volume to come from.
    9. TAP the SELECT button, and that device will control the volume.

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  13. Restore Volume Default
  14. This feature will restore the volume controls.

    1. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ'.
    2. TAP the DOWN ARROW button twice, the screen will read 'CONFIGURE'.
    3. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'THEATR SEL'.
    4. TAP the DOWN ARROW button twice, the screen will read 'VOL LOCK'.
    5. TAP the SELECT button once, the screen will change to 'UNLOCK'.
    6. TAP the SELECT button, and you will return back to the main screen - the volume will be reset.

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  15. Using the Sleep Key
  16. This remote has a built in sleep timer designed for components that do not have their own sleep timer. If your component has a sleep timer built in, then refer to the manual that come with it for instructions on how to use it.

    1. Press SLEEP (SHIFT - MUTE), the screen will read 'SLEEP'.
    2. Adjust the time using the DOWN ARROW button.

    NOTE: The word 'SLEEP' will remain on the screen until either the amount of time you set it for is up, or you once again hit the SLEEP button (SHIFT-MUTE) followed by the ESC button.

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  17. Programming Macros
  18. The Producer 8 remote has two keys labeled AUD and VID that are specifically for use with sequences used for operating several of your devices. You can actually store a macro on almost any key, but remember that the macro will be in effect for all devices. If you wish to restore a button that contains a macro back to it's original function for some devices, you can program the button using advanced codes.

    1. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ'.
    2. TAP the DOWN ARROW button twice, the screen will read 'CONFIGURE'.
    3. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'THEATR SEL'.
    4. TAP the DOWN ARROW button four times, the screen will read 'KEY MACRO'.
    5. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'SEL MAKEY'.
    6. TAP the key you wish to have operate the macro. The screen will read 'ENTER SEQ'.
    7. ENTER the sequence you desire. The screen will read 'ESC TO END' once you have started.
    8. TAP the ESC button to end.

    NOTE: At any point you can press escape (ESC) to return to the main display.

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  19. Timed Sequences
  20. This remote has a feature that lets a user set up a series of key strokes that will be played back at a specific time, up to seven days later.
    You can use these timed sequences with any component you have the remote programmed for. You can store up to a total of ten (10) sequences in the memory of the remote with each sequence having a maximum of 15 keystrokes.

    1. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the display screen reads TIMED SEQ.
    2. TAP the SELECT button - the screen will read ADD MACRO.
    3. TAP the SELECT button - the screen will read START on the left and the time will be flashing on the right.
    4. ENTER the time you wish to start the macro using the number pad. Use MENU UP and MENU DOWN to change between AM and PM.
    5. TAP the SELECT button,the screen will read ONCE.
    6. TAP the MENU DOWN (-) button to toggle between ONCE, DAILY, and WEEKLY.
    7. TAP the SELECT button and the screen will give you the day of the week (won't display on DAILY).
    8. TAP the MENU DOWN (-) button to change the day of the week on which you wish the sequence to start.
    9. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read ENTER SEQ.
    10. ENTER the desired sequence - screen will read ESC TO END.
    11. Once you have entered the desired sequence, press the ESC button to end.
      (At any point you can press ESC to return to the main display)
    NOTE: If you create a sequence to turn components ON, you will have to create a seperate sequence to turn them OFF!


    1. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads TIMED SEQ
    2. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read ADD MACRO
    3. TAP the MENU DOWN (-) button will read DEL MACRO
    4. TAP the SELECT button the screen will display the first timed sequence programmed into the remote. Use MENU DOWN (-) to change them.
    5. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will flash DELETED then change to either the next macro or to the main display.
    6. Repeat step 5 until all macros you desire to delete are gone.

    NOTE: At any point you can press escape (ESC) to return to the main display.

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  21. How To Use The SHIFT button
  22. There are in fact two shift buttons on the Producer remotes. The "official" shift button is labelled SHIFT, and the "un-official" shift button is the SETUP key.

    The official shift buton is used to access the second pre-programmed function of buttons. For example, there is no DISPLAY button on these remotes, the DISPLAY function is now the shifted function of the PREV CH (or LAST) button. To use these features, just TAP the SHIFT button and release it, then hit the button with the function you want to use. You will notice that when you TAP the SHIFT button, a boxed [S] appears on the screen to let you know that you are in the 'shifted' mode. The remote will remain in shift mode until you tap the SHIFT key again. Shifted functions cannot be moved using the 'Key Mover' function, and you cannot program advanced codes onto shifted keys.

    There are no pre-loaded functions that are accessible using the un-official shift key, but you can program advanced codes, and perform key moves, on to keys shifted using the un-official shift key. You simply press the SETUP key before pressing the button that you are moving the function to. The remote only stays in shift mode while the one following button is pressed, you will need to tap the SETUP key before pressing each button that has a shifted function.

    NOTE: it is possible to program commands to shifted versions of the numeric keys using the un-official shift key, but in order to use them you will have to hit the SETUP button twice, or the remote will assume that you are about to enter an advanced code.

    Also, it is possible to program a function onto a button that already has a second function pre-programmed. For instance, you could program the advanced code for your VCR's TIMER onto the PREV CH button, which would mean that the button now has three functions on it. In this case, press PREV CH and it will bring up the previous channel, press SHIFT and PREV CH and it will work the display function, press SETUP and PREV CH and it will work the TIMER function.

    The following keys have functions that are 'shifted':

    PAUSE X2
    FF SLOW UP (+)

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  23. Home Theater Mode
  24. The Home Theater button is not a regular device button (ie, you can't program a device code to it), you use the HT button to control multiple devices at once. You decide which functions you need from each of your devices. You can change certain functions depending on which devices you wish to use. The idea is that you can change the settings depending on what you are about to do. For example, you might always have the Audio mode set to control your amplifier, but you might change the PlayBack mode to either go to your VCR or your DVD player, depending on which one you are using.

    Here are the buttons controlled by each mode....

    Audio Vol+, vol-, mute
    Channel Ch+, ch-, number pad, TV/SAT, Prev Ch
    Play Back Play, stop, rewind, fast forward, pause, record
    PIP PIP,swap,move,freeze
    Menu Menu, select, arrow keys

    Here's the instructions...

    1. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ'.
    2. TAP the DOWN ARROW button twice. The screen will read 'CONFIGURE'.
    3. TAP the SELECT button once. The screen will read 'THEATR SEL'.
    4. TAP the SELECT button once.
    5. Scroll to the mode of your choice (ie, Audio, Channel, Playback, PIP or Menu).
    6. TAP the SELECT button once, the screen will display a device (TV, VCR, etc.).
    7. Choose the device button you wish to control this mode.
    8. Repeat for the remaining modes.

    NOTE: At any point you can press escape (ESC) to return to the main display.

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  25. Copy One Key To Another
  26. This feature allows you to move functions from one button on the keypad to another. You cannot move FROM a shifted key. If the function you wish to move is on a shifted key, program the key using the advanced codes instead.

    If you wish to use more than one function on a single button, you will need to use the "un-official" shift button (ie, the SETUP button) rather than the actual SHIFT button.

    1. Tap a DEVICE key. (Optional, sets the default device)
    2. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ'.
    3. TAP the DOWN ARROW button twice, the screen will read 'CONFIGURE'.
    4. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'THEATR SEL'.
    5. TAP the DOWN ARROW button five times, the screen will read 'KEY MOVER'.
    6. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'FROM'.
    7. TAP the DEVICE button where you wish to take the function FROM. (Optional, will use the default established above if ommited)
    8. TAP the button you wish to move. The screen will read 'TO'.
    9. TAP the DEVICE button where you want to use the function. (Optional, will use the default established above if ommited)
    10. TAP the button you want to move the function TO, the screen will go back to the main display.

    To put the function on a shifted key, simply press SETUP before the last step above. Then, to access the function use the SETUP button instead of the SHIFT button.

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  27. Assigning Advanced Codes
  28. This feature allows you to duplicate functions from your original remote by programming the advanced code for that function onto a key on the remote. Sometimes advanced codes exist for functions that were not on the original remote, including discrete codes for 'Power On' and 'Power Off' that are especially useful when creating macro's to turn all of your equipment on or off.

    To test an advanced code before you program it to a button, simply press SETUP followed by the 3 digit code and the remote should issue the function.

    If you wish to use more than one function on a single button, you will need to use the "un-official" shift button (ie, the SETUP button) rather than the actual SHIFT button.

    1. Find the 3-digit advanced code for the original function of your remote. (Click here for advanced codes).
    2. Tap the DEVICE key. (Optional, sets the default device)
    3. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ'.
    4. TAP the DOWN ARROW button twice, the screen will read 'CONFIGURE'.
    5. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'THEATR SEL'.
    6. TAP the DOWN ARROW button five times, the screen will read 'KEY MOVER'.
    7. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'FROM'.
    8. TAP the DEVICE button where you wish to take the advanced code FROM. (Optional, will use the default established above if ommited)
    9. TAP the SETUP button and enter the 3-digit Advanced Code. The screen will read TO.
    10. TAP the DEVICE button where you want to use the advanced code. (Optional, will use the default established above if ommited)
    11. TAP the button you want to use the advanced code, the screen will go back to the main display.

    To put the function on a shifted key, simply press SETUP before the last step above. Then, to access the function use the SETUP button instead of the SHIFT button.

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  29. Clearing Out Any Button On The Remote
  30. This process will delete a 'key move' (ie, a button programmed using an advanced code) from a specific button.

    1. Tap a DEVICE key. (Optional, sets the default device)
    2. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ'.
    3. TAP the DOWN ARROW button twice, the screen will read 'CONFIGURE'.
    4. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'THEATR SEL'.
    5. TAP the DOWN ARROW button five times, the screen will read 'KEY MOVER'.
    6. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'FROM'.
    7. TAP the DEVICE button where you wish to delete the function FROM. (Optional, will use the default established above if ommited)
    8. TAP the button you wish to delete. The screen will read 'TO'.
    9. TAP the button you wish to delete again, the screen will go back to the main display.

    NOTE: To deleted a 'shift' key, press SETUP between the two presses of the button that you want to clear. EXAMPLE:

    1. Tap a DEVICE key. (Optional, sets the default device)
    2. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ'.
    3. TAP the DOWN ARROW button twice, the screen will read 'CONFIGURE'.
    4. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'THEATR SEL'.
    5. TAP the DOWN ARROW button five times, the screen will read 'KEY MOVER'.
    6. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'FROM'.
    7. TAP the DEVICE button where you wish to delete the function FROM. (Optional, will use the default established above if ommited)
    8. TAP the button you wish to delete. The screen will read 'TO'.
    9. TAP the SETUP button.
    10. TAP the button you wish to delete again, the screen will go back to the main display.

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  31. Clearing Out A Device Key
  32. This process will delete all 'key moves' (ie, buttons programmed using advanced codes) for a device key. It will not delete learned functions.

    1. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ'.
    2. TAP the DOWN ARROW button twice, the screen will read 'CONFIGURE'.
    3. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'THEATR SEL'.
    4. TAP the DOWN ARROW button five times, the screen will read 'KEY MOVER'.
    5. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'FROM'.
    6. TAP the DEVICE button you wish to clear, the screen will read 'TO'.
    7. TAP the DEVICE button you wish to clear again, the screen will read 'CLR KMVR'.
    8. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will go back to the main display.

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  33. Deleting Macros
  34. This process will delete a macro.

    1. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ'.
    2. TAP the DOWN ARROW button twice, the screen will read 'CONFIGURE'.
    3. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'THEATR SEL'.
    4. TAP the DOWN ARROW button four times, the screen will read 'KEY MACRO'.
    5. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'SEL MAKEY'.
    6. TAP the key you wish to have operate the macro (AUD or VID). The screen will read 'ENTER SEQ'.
    7. TAP the key you used to select the MACRO again.
    8. TAP the ESC button to end.

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  35. Clearing Out All Assigned Keys
  36. This process will delete all 'key moves' (ie, buttons programmed using advanced codes), learned functions and macros. It will leave the device code settings intact.

    1. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ'.
    2. TAP the DOWN ARROW twice, the screen will read 'CONFIGURE'
    3. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'THEATR SEL'
    4. TAP the DOWN ARROW key seven times, the screen will read 'CLEAR ALL'.
    5. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'CLR ALL'
    6. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'CONFIRM'
    7. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will return to the main display.

    NOTE: This will not clear the codes assigned to the device buttons.

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  37. Unlock the Service Menu
  38. This remote has a secret "service" menu that allows you to reset the remote to it's factory settings and to lock a device to prevent accidental re-programming. Before you can access the service menu, you need to un-lock it.

    1. TAP the TV button.
    2. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ'.
    3. TAP the DOWN ARROW button one time. The screen will read 'CODE SETUP'.
    4. TAP the SELECT button once, the screen will read 'DEV SETUP'.
    5. TAP the SELECT button and the screen will read 'TV'.
    6. ENTER code 9-7-2. These numbers will appear on the screen.
    7. TAP the SELECT button and the screen will return to the main display.

    Note: Some remotes use code 961, so try that if 972 doesn't work.

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  39. Restore Factory Settings
  40. This will erase all programming, including any device codes that have been added by a mail-in upgrade.
    1. Activate the SERVICE menu as detailed above.
    2. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ'.
    3. TAP the UP ARROW button once, the screen will read 'CONFIGURE'.
    4. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'THEATR SEL'.
    5. TAP the UP ARROW button once and the screen will read 'SERVICE'.
    6. TAP SELECT, the screen will read 'MFG RESET'.
    7. TAP SELECT, the screen will read 'SEL TO RS'.
    8. TAP SELECT, the screen will return to the main display.

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  41. Device Lock/Unlock
  42. This will lock a device key, preventing and changes, such as MODE MAPS or device cde changes.

    1. Activate the SERVICE menu as detailed above.
    2. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ'.
    3. TAP the UP ARROW button once, the screen will read 'CONFIGURE'.
    4. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'THEATR SEL'.
    5. TAP the UP ARROW button once and the screen will read 'SERVICE'.
    6. TAP SELECT, the screen will read 'MFG RESET'.
    7. TAP the DOWN ARROW button once and the screen will read 'DEVICE LOCK'.
    8. TAP SELECT, the screen will read 'SEL DEV'.
    9. TAP the device key that you wish to lock or unlock, the screen will show the device name followed by "UL".
    10. TAP the DOWN ARROW button to change the setting from 'UL' to 'L'.
    11. TAP SELECT, the screen will return to the main display.

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  43. Scrambled Keypad
  44. Sometimes it seems that the keypad is "scrambled". Functions like channels, volume, or numbers are not where they should be. If your remote seems to be acting this way, try the following proceedure:

    1. Activate the SERVICE menu as detailed above.
    2. HOLD DOWN the SETUP button until the screen reads 'TIMED SEQ'.
    3. TAP the UP ARROW button once, the screen will read 'CONFIGURE'.
    4. TAP the SELECT button, the screen will read 'THEATR SEL'.
    5. TAP the UP ARROW button once and the screen will read 'SERVICE'.
    6. TAP SELECT, the screen will read 'MFG RESET'.
    7. TAP the DOWN ARROW button twice and the screen will read 'AP'.
    8. TAP SELECT, the screen will read 'AP ENABLE'.
    9. TAP the DOWN ARROW button to change the setting from 'AP ENABLE' to 'AP DISABLE'.
    10. TAP SELECT, the screen will return to the main display.

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  45. Operating Your RF/IR 'Command Center'
  46. This remote comes with an RF/IR Command Center which receives Radio Frequency (RF) signals from the remote and converts them into Infrared (IR) signals to allow you to operate your equipment at a greater distance within your home.

    To set up the Command Center:

    1. Find a location approximately 8 feet in front of your infra red components.
      The location should have access to both your equipment (line-of-sight) and an outlet to plug in your Command Center.
    2. Plug in the Command Center's power cord and raise the telescoping antenna.
    3. Position the Command Center so the black IR lens is aimed at your components.
    4. Test the Command Center by pressing the POWER button on the Home Producer 8. Your components should operate from another room in your home.

    NOTE:The Home Producer 8 transmits both an IR and an RF signal simultaneously. If you are in the same room as your equipment, unplug the Command Center so your equipment is not receiving two signals (from the remote and the box) which would make for erratic operation.

    IR Transmitter Cord

    The 'Command Center' also includes an additional IR signal transmitter cord for use with a component that cannot be in line-of-site with the 'Command Center'.

    1. Plug the 4ft. IR signal transmitter cord into the back of the 'Command Center'.
    2. Run the IR signal transmitter cord to the component that is not in line-of-site of the 'Command Center'.
    3. Using the double-sided tape, attach the IR signal transmitter so that the LED is over, or next to the IR sensor of your component.
    4. Test the 'Home Producer 8' remote . The Command Center will convert the RF signal from the 'Home Producer 8' into an IR signal and transmit that signal to your component through the IR signal transmitter cord.

    Adjustments You Can Make To Increase The Range Of The Remote

    1. Angle the antenna toward the room the room from which the Producer 8 signal is being sent.
    2. Do not position the 'Command Center' with metal between it and the Home Producer 8 remote (such as heat/AC ducts).
    3. Be sure to aim the Producer 8 toward the room where the 'Command Center' is located.
    4. Make sure the batteries inside the Producer 8 are new alkaline batteries (not rechargeable).
    5. Make sure the range of the Producer 8 is not being affected by radio frequency transmissions or high voltage electrical current.

    The 'Up to 100 feet' noted on the packaging is a factory tested distance in an environment void of wall, metal, or radio frequency interference. It was 100 ft. line-of-site.

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  47. Upgrading Your Remote
  48. If the device code you need is not pre-loaded in your remote, you can arrange to have new device codes added to the remote by calling One For All at (330) 405 8605. They will give you a "Return Authorization Number" and will tell you the address to mail the remote to.

    They usually return the remote to you in just a few days.

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  49. Fixing Worn Out Buttons:
  50. If a button stops working due to over use, it is possible to fix it. There is a product that you can get from most auto part stores made by Loctite called "Quick Grid Rear Window Defogger Repair Kit". It is a conductive fluid usually used to fix rear window defrosters in cars. To fix your remote, open up the casing and paint the fluid on the base of the buttons that are not working effectively, et it dry, and it should work again, good as new!

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